Being able to retain independence on the road is no small detail. People of all ages and backgrounds want to retain their mobility, even if they are living with a medical condition or ailment which impacts their livelihood. 

The fact remains that driver safety with a disability needs to be carefully managed. In the field of occupational therapy (OT), driving assessments play a key role in promoting independence, reviewing abilities and testing safety practices. 

For drivers who want to maintain their independence under these conditions, it’s worthwhile finding out why these evaluations are necessary. 

Test of Driving Skills & Abilities 

Anyone taking note of a driving assessment for occupational therapy will understand how the program is designed around a test of abilities and skills. From on-road to off-road tasks, visual screenings and simulations, assessors will gather insights into personal performance levels and fitness criteria. If there are points of concern, they will be highlighted during the examination. 

Supporting Need for Independence 

No two individuals will be alike in this circumstance. Everyone will have strengths and weaknesses. By taking part in an OT driver assessment, community members will discover how much assistance they need and determine whether or not they need a modified vehicle or licence. The focus is always to improve mobility and find accommodations where possible. 

Customising Personal Recommendations 

The good news for OT members who are taking part in these on-road assessments is they won’t be left with a one-size-fits-all program. Assistive devices, new driving equipment and modification could be issued as a result of the examination. Some alterations to driving habits and behaviours may be discussed as well to ensure their safety on the road, using every available tool to create a personalised and customised driving platform. 

Focusing on Safety Capabilities 

One of the common themes with a driving ability evaluation for members will be a focus on safety. There will be risks for drivers who are living with unique physical or mental disabilities. From their visual acuity to judgement of road conditions, reaction times and general physical abilities, these operators need to know that the individual has the fitness for the task. Some adaptation might be required for people who fall short of the standards. 

Working With Multiple Professionals 

The success or failure of a driver’s licence test won’t be determined purely on the engagement of one individual. This becomes a collaborative approach that takes into account various medical and professional interventions. From doctors to physicians and vehicle instructors alike, this will offer a platform for participants to speak with varied professional operators about their progress and what they need to do to retain or obtain a licence. 

Continued Evaluation Opportunities 

The immediate outcome of a driving rehabilitation program is not permanent. Far from it. Individuals will experience changes in their health and their condition over time. Periodic re-evaluations may be scheduled. This is an opportunity for therapists and driving assessors to monitor the situation, continue an open dialogue and see where progress can be made.

Categories: General